Christmas Eve, 80s Style

December 24th PODThe Gregson family stopped by for a little bit today and we all had a nice dinner with a brisk walk through the woods. Spencer (guess which one…he’s hard to miss) had quite the getup with his Tom Selleck mustache and bright neon jacket. At least he was almost guaranteed not to get lost in the woods.

Happy Early Christmas

imageIt’s early Christmas in December! Because of unreasonable holiday work schedules, we had our family celebration a little early so that everyone could go. Thanks to my sister for hosting this year! It was great to see evreyone and have a nice holiday celebration. Good food, good company, and an awesome early holiday!

Ice Cold Coke


Is there anything more refreshing than a nice leisurely lunch accompanied by an ice cold Coca-Cola? I think not.

Cat Thermometer



Willy (the cat) is the best temperature gauge for the wood stove (not pictured). Once he settles himself in front of the stove and exposes his heat sensitive underbelly, you know the fire’s cookin’ nice and hot.

So Far, So Good

imageWe’ve started moving in! The two couches were delivered the other day, we got some really nice end tables from my sister, and everything else should be along shortly. Hopefully it’s smooth sailing from here on out.

Van Wyck Headache


Those two little orange construction markers between Whitestone and JFK are not enough to describe the massive headache these backups really cause. The last few miles on the Van Wyck took about 45 minutes, but eventually we got all the international boarding students to the airport and on their way home for the holidays. Have a good break everyone!

Chair Shopping

imageEmily’s parents very nicely offered to get us a few dining room chairs for Christmas from a local woodworker. These ones are pretty comfortable and will most likely match the stain of our table, so these will probably be the ones sitting in our new kitchen/dining room in a few weeks!

Kiducation Donation?

imageI’m not really sure what Kiducation is, or how I’m supposed to donate here in this big metal box. And somehow used clothing turns into new kids? What?

So Long, Couch

imageWe’re finally getting rid of the world’s most uncomfortable couch! I have hated trying to sit on this thing for ever, and now it’s finally getting donated to someone who might appreciate it more. Oh well, I suppose we have to get a new more comfortable couch now.

Lauren’s Best Birthday Card Ever



Definitely one of my favorite birthday cards of all time. Of course it’s not an actual picture of Lauren’s dance days…somehow that’s gone into hiding somewhere. I guess this will just have to do for now…jazz hands!